Bicycling Strategy Paper Conclusion


The connection between land use and Transportation – which was the impetus behind the creation of CMAP itself and which will serve as the theoretical foundation and guiding principle of CMAP's Regional Comprehensive Plan – is embodied and epitomized in the strategy of improving and increasing opportunities for bicycling in individual communities and throughout the region. In conjunction with other non-motorized modes of travel, a strong commitment to developing bicycling facilities and programs offers communities an important and effective way to address many of the challenges they face, not only in terms of Transportation mobility and access, but also as regards environmental health and the protection of finite natural resources, public health and the physical fitness of residents, equitable travel opportunities, overall livability, and ultimately, the long-term desirability and sustainability of our communities.

Below are the overall questions that were raised for discussion at the beginning of the document.

What should CMAP's role be in the planning and implementation of bicycle facilities? As a regional agency, how active should we be in seeking to improve bicycle conditions?
What would be the overall effect of improving bicycle facilities in your community? What positives and negatives would come from this? What would be the most effective and appropriate way for your community to improve its bicycle facilities?
If bicycle facilities were improved by communities across the region, what would the overall effects be, both on your community and regionwide?