Plan Update

Plan Update

In October 2014, the GO TO 2040 comprehensive regional plan has been updated in accordance with federal law. Please visit for all GO TO 2040 plan materials. Final plan update materials include:

The update addresses elements required by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) that was signed into law in 2012. Due to GO TO 2040's long time horizon and positive impacts of plan implementation to date, the plan's themes and recommendations did not change as part of the update. 

Plan Update more info

Dec 16, 2013

Public and Stakeholder Engagement

CMAP engaged stakeholders, its Working Committees, and the public throughout the plan update process. The formal public comment period for the draft plan update was held from June 13 through August 1. Meetings were hosted across the region's seven counties, including one held at CMAP's offices on Thursday, July 31; see English and Spanish flyers. 
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Financial Plan

GO TO 2040 includes a fiscal constraint for transportation investments over the plan period.  This project's objective was to update revenue and expenditure forecasts and allocations to operating expenditures; safe and adequate capital maintenance expenditures; state of good repair/systematic enhancements; and major capital projects.  

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Major Capital Projects

The GO TO 2040 update includes a revised list of fiscally constrained major capital projects based on the adopted plan's original list, the projected availability of funds, and the latest socioeconomic forecasts. Implementing agencies had the ability to suggest new projects for evaluation and consideration.

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Implementation Actions

The update to GO TO 2040 did not involve rewriting the plan's text.  However, it did involve updating the implementation action area tables that describe how the recommendations of GO TO 2040 will be implemented.  These tables were updated to reflect current implementation status.  

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Indicator Updates

GO TO 2040 includes a set of indicators to track the plan's progress toward implementation.  The Moving Forward 2012 GO TO 2040 implementation report included updates on several of these indicators, including modifying the way in which the indicator is measured to respond to data availability. The plan update built upon that analysis, including modifying measures and future targets if appropriate. 

Released in October 2013, a draft Indicator Selection Report summarizes which GO TO 2040 indicators will be modified or replaced for the plan update. It also identifies performance measures for GO TO 2040 sections that did not establish specific indicators in the original plan. In order to effectively track progress of plan implementation, plan indicators must be based on actual measured values and not be reliant upon modeled or estimated figures. The report also introduces the concept of kindred indicators, a secondary set of performance measures that help tell a more complete story of implementation progress. A draft report on updated short- and long-term targets for GO TO 2040 indicators was released in February 2014. 

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Dec 16, 2013

Public and Stakeholder Engagement

CMAP engaged stakeholders, its Working Committees, and the public throughout the plan update process. The formal public comment period for the draft plan update was held from June 13 through August 1. Meetings were hosted across the region's seven counties, including one held at CMAP's offices on Thursday, July 31; see English and Spanish flyers. 
Relevant Information

Financial Plan

GO TO 2040 includes a fiscal constraint for transportation investments over the plan period.  This project's objective was to update revenue and expenditure forecasts and allocations to operating expenditures; safe and adequate capital maintenance expenditures; state of good repair/systematic enhancements; and major capital projects.  

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Major Capital Projects

The GO TO 2040 update includes a revised list of fiscally constrained major capital projects based on the adopted plan's original list, the projected availability of funds, and the latest socioeconomic forecasts. Implementing agencies had the ability to suggest new projects for evaluation and consideration.

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Implementation Actions

The update to GO TO 2040 did not involve rewriting the plan's text.  However, it did involve updating the implementation action area tables that describe how the recommendations of GO TO 2040 will be implemented.  These tables were updated to reflect current implementation status.  

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Indicator Updates

GO TO 2040 includes a set of indicators to track the plan's progress toward implementation.  The Moving Forward 2012 GO TO 2040 implementation report included updates on several of these indicators, including modifying the way in which the indicator is measured to respond to data availability. The plan update built upon that analysis, including modifying measures and future targets if appropriate. 

Released in October 2013, a draft Indicator Selection Report summarizes which GO TO 2040 indicators will be modified or replaced for the plan update. It also identifies performance measures for GO TO 2040 sections that did not establish specific indicators in the original plan. In order to effectively track progress of plan implementation, plan indicators must be based on actual measured values and not be reliant upon modeled or estimated figures. The report also introduces the concept of kindred indicators, a secondary set of performance measures that help tell a more complete story of implementation progress. A draft report on updated short- and long-term targets for GO TO 2040 indicators was released in February 2014. 

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