The City of Chicago's "2012 Bicycle Crash Analysis: Summary Report" examines bicycle crashes from 2005-10.  During that time, there were nearly 9,000 injury crashes involving bicyclists, with 32 bicyclist fatalities.  As a percentage of all traffic crashes, bicycle crashes rose from 6.7 percent of all crash types in 2005 to 9.8 percent in 2010.   The report's thesis is that with proper street design and behavior change among road users, the overwhelming majority of bicycle crashes are preventable.

The report's analysis aims to identify factors that contribute to bicycle crashes, and to use the results of this analysis to set goals for improvement.  Crash locations, time of day, gender, and weather conditions are among the elements and factors looked at in order to analyze bicycle crashes in Chicago.   The report offers recommendations for improvements to Chicago's bike network and reporting mechanisms that will help the city to improve conditions for cycling.