The Open Streets Project is an ongoing collaboration between the Alliance for Biking & Walking and The Street Plans Collaborative.  The goal of the project is to share information about open streets and increase the number, size, and frequency of initiatives occurring across North America.  The Open Streets Project includes The Open Streets Guide and an interactive website.

This guide includes an introduction, best practices overview, 67 case studies organized into a typology of seven common model types – the model types are concerned with organizers it and funders and are named after cities where that model was first used – as well as a graphic summary of findings resulting from research into the breadth and diversity of open streets initiatives in the United States and Canada.

The website includes all of the case studies, news updates, and organizing and informational resources.  It is designed to encourage advocates and new open streets organizers to explore related efforts in other peer cities, and invites experienced organizers to continually update and share best practices, maps, photos, videos, and publicity materials via its individual initiative blog feature.