The National Complete Streets Coalition, a program of Smart Grow America, released a report outlining the nation's best Complete Streets policies of 2015. The ranking included the Village of Park Forest's ordinance, developed as part of a Local Technical Assistance (LTA) project to create a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

The report also states that in 2015, 82 Complete Streets policies were passed nationwide as laws, resolutions, and planning documents. These policies establish a process for selecting, funding, planning, designing, and building transportation projects that allow safe access for everyone, regardless of age, ability, income or ethnicity, no matter how they travel. Nationwide, 899 Complete Streets policies are now in place in all 50 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.  Thirty-two state governments or agencies, 76 regional organizations, and 663 individual municipalities have also adopted Complete Streets policies.

Complete Streets is a transportation planning and decision-making approach that seeks to create an integrated, multimodal transportation system that supports safe travel for people of all ages and abilities. CMAP has developed a Complete Streets Toolkit to help the region's municipalities implement such an approach.