Active Living Research published a research brief, summarizing 25 studies that examined Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs nation-wide. The studies indicate that SRTS not only increased rates of walking and biking and improved safety, but that the program is also an economically sound investment that can decrease health costs and school transport costs.

The review also found that:

  • Actively commuting to and from school could improve mental and physical health.
  • SRTS has increased the number of students who walk or bike to and from school.
  • Unsafe routes make it harder for students to walk or bike to and from school. SRTS has made it safer for students to walk or bike to or from school.
  • SRTS can lower health care and transportation costs for school districts and families.

Communities can take action on SRTS through subdivision regulations that require sidewalks, education facility plans that ensure access to school by foot and bicycle, school wellness policies that include Safe Routs to School, and capital improvement plans that prioritize engineering improvements near schools.