MetroPulse Slider


Indicators for the Region

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and The Chicago Community Trust remain committed partners in the collection and distribution of the public data to monitor progress on the region's most important issues—principally, through the performance of the GO TO 2040 comprehensive regional plan. Read more about MetroPulse.

Livable Communities

Livable communities are healthy, safe, and walkable, with transportation options that put schools, jobs, services, and basic needs within reach of all residents. 

Human Capital

The quality of our region's labor force is crucial for sustaining economic prosperity.

Efficient Governance

Efficient and effective decision making by government is necessary to meet the goals of GO TO 2040.

Regional Mobility

A modern transportation system is indispensable for our region's economy and quality of life. 

Community Indicators

The Chicago Community Trust connects the generosity of donors with community needs by making grants to organizations working to improve metropolitan Chicago. As nonprofit organizations, local governments and businesses tackle issues of concern, the Trust provides civic leadership to leverage collective knowledge, creativity, and resources for a greater impact than any of us can make alone.