Transportation Data Intro continues

These projections are supported by a substantial regional travel demand modeling system used to analyze the interaction of land use, population and employment with transportation infrastructure and services.

Household Travel Survey
The CMAP modeling system is supported by a large-scale travel survey program that gathers information about travel choices and preferences from the region's residents and workers.

Commercial Vehicle Survey
CMAP is conducting a commercial vehicle survey, focused on non-freight industries, to learn more about the activities and trip patterns of these types of vehicles. The data collected will be used in the development of a new model for estimating and forecasting commercial service vehicle trips and tours in the region.

Traffic Data
CMAP monitors, analyzes, and provides information on transportation system performance using many sources of observed data. This is a critical input to the region's Congestion Management Process.

Mobility Data Visualizations 
Interactive mobility visualizations allow users to explore data on metropolitan Chicago's transportation system, including road, transit, and freight networks, which drive our regional economy.