CMAQ/TAP-L Programs - Management and Resources

CMAQ, CRP and TAP-L Program Management and Resources

Current Program Summaries

Under development - see eTIP for current project funding information. 

Quarterly Status Updates

Status updates are required for all projects with CMAQ and TAP-L funds including those that are in deferment. The updates are be submitted in December, March, June and September of every federal fiscal year. Failure to submit required status updates may result in significant project delay or the project being deferred in the program which would move funding out of the active TIP years into MYB. Update forms should be completed and emailed to and copied to your Council of Mayors planning liaison.

Quarterly Status Update Form for projects processed through IDOT and FHWA (Excel) Revised January 2023

Quarterly Status Update Form for projects processed through FTA (Excel) Updated January 2023

Quarterly Status Update Form Instructions (PDF) Revised January 2023

Project Initiation - Next Steps Guidance

CMAP has prepared guidance for sponsors about the next steps for implementing federally-funded projects following the award of funding.

Project Change Requests

Project sponsors desiring to make a project change request should review the below procedure, complete the appropriate form(s) and submit the completed form(s) to their planning liaison or CMAP, as explained in the procedure.  Current submittal deadlines for Project Selection Committee (PSC) consideration are shown below and are included in the CMAP Transportation Schedule.


Local sponsors desiring to make a project change request for a withdrawal or fiscal year change should contact their planning liaison. All other sponsors should contact Jon Haadsma

2024 Meetings and Deadlines:

CMAQ & TAP project change requests due CMAQ & TAP Project Selection Committee IDOT Lettings
2/1/24 2/15/24


3/28/24 4/11/24 6/14/24
5/2/24 5/16/24


7/3/24 7/18/24 9/20/24
8/8/24 8/22/24 11/8/24
10/24/24 11/7/24 1/17/24
11/21/24 12/5/24 3/7/24

Change requests submitted on the due dates above are for projects targeting the listed IDOT state lettings. Non-construction phases, projects being let locally, and projects within FTA grants should review the CMAP Transportation Schedule for the Transportation Committee meetings when TIP change actions are approved. All CMAQ & TAP project change actions are subject to TIP amendment procedures and do not take effect until they are included in the adopted TIP.


Program Management Policies

In order to encourage project accomplishment, the MPO Policy Committee and CMAP Board approved a set of policies.

CMAQ Programming and Management Policies 

They include:

1. Phase 1 engineering will not be eligible for CMAQ funding.

2. A firm deadline of two years past the programmed year will be instituted for the accomplishment of each phase. If the phase is not completed on time, regardless of the reasons, the funding for remaining phases will be removed and that work placed on a deferred project list. The deferred phases may be brought back into the program when the delayed work is complete, if funding is available.  An overview of CMAQ Programming and Management Policies related to deferrals is available here.

3. An annual obligation goal will be set and if the region is not meeting it, other "ready" projects may be moved into the program to ensure the region meets its spending goals.

The accomplishment sunset will apply to all currently programmed projects. If you have questions on where your project stands, contact your Planning Liaison.

At its April 5, 2012 meeting, the CMAQ Project Selection Committee adopted a procedure to free up CMAQ funds from projects for which the final phase has been authorized/obligated by FHWA but which are not closed out.

The procedure is that a portion of programmed but unauthorized funds will be removed from the project and made available for cost increases, contingency projects or future funding cycles. The portion to remain with the project is 5% of the authorized amount or $100,000, whichever is larger. If the unauthorized portion is less than $100,000, no funds will be removed.

The portion not removed will stay with the project to ensure funds will be available if change orders occur. If a larger change order occurs than what remains programmed for the project, the Project Selection Committee will be asked to approve a cost increase for the project.

This procedure will not affect projects for which the funds are obligated in an FTA grant or implementation projects with funding in multiple years.


For questions, information and guidance:
Sponsors are encouraged to work with their regional contact or Planning Liaison .

Project Contact Update

If the point of contact for your project has changed, please send an email to with the new contact (please include the project(s) TIP ID(s)).

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CMAQ, CRP and TAP-L Program Management and Resources

Current Program Summaries

Under development - see eTIP for current project funding information. 

Quarterly Status Updates

Status updates are required for all projects with CMAQ and TAP-L funds including those that are in deferment. The updates are be submitted in December, March, June and September of every federal fiscal year. Failure to submit required status updates may result in significant project delay or the project being deferred in the program which would move funding out of the active TIP years into MYB. Update forms should be completed and emailed to and copied to your Council of Mayors planning liaison.

Quarterly Status Update Form for projects processed through IDOT and FHWA (Excel) Revised January 2023

Quarterly Status Update Form for projects processed through FTA (Excel) Updated January 2023

Quarterly Status Update Form Instructions (PDF) Revised January 2023

Project Initiation - Next Steps Guidance

CMAP has prepared guidance for sponsors about the next steps for implementing federally-funded projects following the award of funding.

Project Change Requests

Project sponsors desiring to make a project change request should review the below procedure, complete the appropriate form(s) and submit the completed form(s) to their planning liaison or CMAP, as explained in the procedure.  Current submittal deadlines for Project Selection Committee (PSC) consideration are shown below and are included in the CMAP Transportation Schedule.


Local sponsors desiring to make a project change request for a withdrawal or fiscal year change should contact their planning liaison. All other sponsors should contact Jon Haadsma

2024 Meetings and Deadlines:

CMAQ & TAP project change requests due CMAQ & TAP Project Selection Committee IDOT Lettings
2/1/24 2/15/24


3/28/24 4/11/24 6/14/24
5/2/24 5/16/24


7/3/24 7/18/24 9/20/24
8/8/24 8/22/24 11/8/24
10/24/24 11/7/24 1/17/24
11/21/24 12/5/24 3/7/24

Change requests submitted on the due dates above are for projects targeting the listed IDOT state lettings. Non-construction phases, projects being let locally, and projects within FTA grants should review the CMAP Transportation Schedule for the Transportation Committee meetings when TIP change actions are approved. All CMAQ & TAP project change actions are subject to TIP amendment procedures and do not take effect until they are included in the adopted TIP.


Program Management Policies

In order to encourage project accomplishment, the MPO Policy Committee and CMAP Board approved a set of policies.

CMAQ Programming and Management Policies 

They include:

1. Phase 1 engineering will not be eligible for CMAQ funding.

2. A firm deadline of two years past the programmed year will be instituted for the accomplishment of each phase. If the phase is not completed on time, regardless of the reasons, the funding for remaining phases will be removed and that work placed on a deferred project list. The deferred phases may be brought back into the program when the delayed work is complete, if funding is available.  An overview of CMAQ Programming and Management Policies related to deferrals is available here.

3. An annual obligation goal will be set and if the region is not meeting it, other "ready" projects may be moved into the program to ensure the region meets its spending goals.

The accomplishment sunset will apply to all currently programmed projects. If you have questions on where your project stands, contact your Planning Liaison.

At its April 5, 2012 meeting, the CMAQ Project Selection Committee adopted a procedure to free up CMAQ funds from projects for which the final phase has been authorized/obligated by FHWA but which are not closed out.

The procedure is that a portion of programmed but unauthorized funds will be removed from the project and made available for cost increases, contingency projects or future funding cycles. The portion to remain with the project is 5% of the authorized amount or $100,000, whichever is larger. If the unauthorized portion is less than $100,000, no funds will be removed.

The portion not removed will stay with the project to ensure funds will be available if change orders occur. If a larger change order occurs than what remains programmed for the project, the Project Selection Committee will be asked to approve a cost increase for the project.

This procedure will not affect projects for which the funds are obligated in an FTA grant or implementation projects with funding in multiple years.


For questions, information and guidance:
Sponsors are encouraged to work with their regional contact or Planning Liaison .

Project Contact Update

If the point of contact for your project has changed, please send an email to with the new contact (please include the project(s) TIP ID(s)).

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