Des Plaines Apache Park Neighborhood Plan

Des Plaines Apache Park Neighborhood Plan

The City of Des Plaines applied to the LTA program in 2011 for assistance to develop a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)-Based neighborhood plan for the Apache Park community in Des Plaines. The project is in response to the increase in crime in the Apache Park Neighborhood which lies one mile south of downtown Des Plaines. The City would also like to have this planning effort serve as a model or "best practice" for addressing concerns in similar neighborhoods in Des Plaines and across the region. The project will employ the principles of CPTED, Improve neighborhood aesthetics and maintenance in Apache Park, provide design recommendations to positively affect new, reuse and infill development opportunities for the Apache Park neighborhood, including the integration of mixed-use development where feasible and provide a model framework for adopting and implementing CPTED principals in physically similar neighborhoods.

The Des Plaines Apache Park Neighborhood Plan was unanimously approved by the Des Plaines City Council on May 19, 2014. 

For more information about the project, please visit the external project page available at

Final Deliverables

Existing Conditions Report

Strategies Chapter

Final Plan

Des Plaines Apache Park Neighborhood Plan: News Coverage

News Coverage

Grant To Aid Park Upgrades, Journal & Topics Newspaper, January 7, 2015

Park Renovation Gets the Green Light with Grant Funding, Chicago Tribune, January 7, 2015

Apache park in Des Plaines getting renovation with state funds, Daily Herald, January 8, 2015