Northwest Water Planning Alliance

Northwest Water Planning Alliance

Update: The project was completed in February 2014.

CMAP's LTA grant brought staff time to bear on the NWPA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) via participation in monthly meetings and on the Executive Committee's bimonthly meetings as necessary. The primary goal of the project was to lead the NWPA strategic planning process that occurred throughout 2013. This process culminated in November with Executive Committee approval of a new three-year strategic plan.    

Discussions about drought preparedness vis-à-vis the American Water Works Association "Drought Preparedness and Response: Manual of Water Supply Practices – M60" made clear that the NWPA lacks the fundamental "building blocks" to allow for immediate drought planning. For example, drought preparedness depends on having some understanding of available supply of water, current and historic water usage, current and projected water demand, and other water-related data such as real and apparent water loss within community water systems. As a collective, the NWPA is without such data, preventing analysis and the information that collaborative planning and management depends upon.

Implementing the strategic plan will methodically address these data gaps in order that the NWPA can proceed to plan and manage as the collective organization it aims to be. The ongoing effort requires the cooperation of municipal member water departments, the Illinois Water Inventory Program (IWIP), and Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) staff assigned to participate on TAC. 

For more information contact or 312-454-0400.

Northwest Water Planning Alliance Strategic Plan: 2014-16