Alternative Fuels Strategy Paper

Alternative Fuels Strategy Summary


This paper offers recommendations on how to encourage the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies (AVT) in the region, both of which support CMAP's strategic goals to improve the region's transportation system, air and environmental quality, energy efficiency, and land use and economic development activities. Reducing greenhouse gases can be achieved in 3 different ways: by reducing the carbon content in fuel, increasing vehicle efficiency, and reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled. This paper addresses the first two of those tactics, while the third is covered in other strategy papers such as transportation demand management, managed lanes, and parking.

This paper identifies current activities in the region and at the state and federal levels. After an analysis of MPO peer and partner activities, the paper examines opportunities for alternative fuels in the region and the potential role of CMAP.


Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Benefits of Promoting AVT
  • CMAP's Unique Position
  • City of Chicago
  • State and Federal Policy Context
  • Peers & Partners
  • MPO Peers
  • Potential Partners
  • Alternative Fuel and AVT Options
  • Opportunities
  • Next Steps
  • Appendices

A sample of findings:

  • Promoting alternative fuels can improve price stability in the face of fluctuating fuel costs, enhance energy supply security, and provide reductions in local air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
  • A "green economy" using alternative fuels and advanced fuel technology could help spur job creation and economic development
  • Illinois is the second largest corn producer in the nation

If you're interested in learning more about alternative fuels, please review the following strategy report, produced by the Volpe Transportation Center, for CMAP. Comments and criticism are encouraged.

Photo by Laurence's Pictures from our Explore Northeastern Illinois Flickr Pool.


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