A Comprehensive Plan for Berwyn

Jul 26, 2013

A Comprehensive Plan for Berwyn

On Tuesday, October 23, 2012, the City of Berwyn adopted its Comprehensive Plan, which is the product of a community planning process that began in June 2011.

Berwyn is a well-established and mature community located just 10 miles west of downtown Chicago. Berwyn is known for its affordable solid brick bungalow homes, multiple transportation options, and mix of shops and restaurants. The city is also home to excellent recreational, educational, and cultural institutions, making it an ideal place to live, work, and raise a family. However, similar to other communities in the region, Berwyn faces a number of economic and physical challenges in the near future. A combination of demographic shifts and growth in the aging population will require thoughtful and strategic planning.

A comprehensive plan is a framework document that allows elected and appointed officials to make informed investment decisions for the community. The City of Berwyn adopted a Comprehensive Plan and Economic Development Strategy in 1993, but it does not reflect the current realities, challenges, and opportunities faced by the city. Supplementary studies and plans have been completed in more recent years, including the 2008 Berwyn Transit-Oriented Development Study, published by the City of Berwyn, the Berwyn Development Corporation, local transit agencies, and other partners.

Now, officials from both the city and Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC) are working with CMAP to build upon those past planning efforts and help the city realize its full potential by updating the citywide comprehensive plan. Updating the plan will provide a context in which decisions affecting the future of Berwyn can be made with some certainty that today's choices — whether large or small — contribute to achieving the long-term goals and vision of the entire community. This planning process will explore topics such as future land use, community facilities, transportation, park, and capital improvements, and arts and culture throughout the entire city. Tying the city's plan to priorities established in the GO TO 2040 comprehensive regional plan, the new plan for Berwyn will guide its future growth and drive economic prosperity.

Public Engagement

The public had multiple opportunities to participate throughout the planning process. In August, 2011, two kick-off meetings were held to discuss issues they felt the plan should address. In November, 2011, residents and stakeholders were invited to a visioning workshop at the Berwyn Police Department's Community Room to share their ideas about how the city should look in the future. Finally, an Open House was held on Wednesday, June 27, 2012. Nearly 40 attendees — including elected officials, residents, and business owners — dropped by to review and comment on the draft comprehensive plan's recommendations.

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Jul 26, 2013

A Comprehensive Plan for Berwyn

On Tuesday, October 23, 2012, the City of Berwyn adopted its Comprehensive Plan, which is the product of a community planning process that began in June 2011.

Berwyn is a well-established and mature community located just 10 miles west of downtown Chicago. Berwyn is known for its affordable solid brick bungalow homes, multiple transportation options, and mix of shops and restaurants. The city is also home to excellent recreational, educational, and cultural institutions, making it an ideal place to live, work, and raise a family. However, similar to other communities in the region, Berwyn faces a number of economic and physical challenges in the near future. A combination of demographic shifts and growth in the aging population will require thoughtful and strategic planning.

A comprehensive plan is a framework document that allows elected and appointed officials to make informed investment decisions for the community. The City of Berwyn adopted a Comprehensive Plan and Economic Development Strategy in 1993, but it does not reflect the current realities, challenges, and opportunities faced by the city. Supplementary studies and plans have been completed in more recent years, including the 2008 Berwyn Transit-Oriented Development Study, published by the City of Berwyn, the Berwyn Development Corporation, local transit agencies, and other partners.

Now, officials from both the city and Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC) are working with CMAP to build upon those past planning efforts and help the city realize its full potential by updating the citywide comprehensive plan. Updating the plan will provide a context in which decisions affecting the future of Berwyn can be made with some certainty that today's choices — whether large or small — contribute to achieving the long-term goals and vision of the entire community. This planning process will explore topics such as future land use, community facilities, transportation, park, and capital improvements, and arts and culture throughout the entire city. Tying the city's plan to priorities established in the GO TO 2040 comprehensive regional plan, the new plan for Berwyn will guide its future growth and drive economic prosperity.

Public Engagement

The public had multiple opportunities to participate throughout the planning process. In August, 2011, two kick-off meetings were held to discuss issues they felt the plan should address. In November, 2011, residents and stakeholders were invited to a visioning workshop at the Berwyn Police Department's Community Room to share their ideas about how the city should look in the future. Finally, an Open House was held on Wednesday, June 27, 2012. Nearly 40 attendees — including elected officials, residents, and business owners — dropped by to review and comment on the draft comprehensive plan's recommendations.

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