Elgin Sidewalk Gap Analysis

Elgin Sidewalk Gap Analysis

Update: The project was completed in February 2014.

In August 2011, the City of Elgin was awarded a Community Planning Program grant by CMAP to conduct a study of pedestrian and transit connectivity, specifically addressing sidewalks/paths and transit stops.  This sidewalk gap and transit stop study will build off of previous studies the City has performed that included a transportation component. With the City's efforts to implement its Sustainability Action Plan, there is a need to inventory the roadway network and identify sidewalk/path locations and gaps to help with completing a more comprehensive multi-modal transportation system. Along with this analysis the City has an interest in working with Pace to identify appropriate locations and amenities for commuter bus stops.

Final Deliverables

Elgin Pace Bus Network

Elgin Bicycle Crashes

Complete Your Street Toolkit Ideas

Final Plan