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Transportation Improvement Program

Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is northeastern Illinois' agenda of surface transportation projects. The TIP lists all federally funded projects and regionally significant, non-federally funded projects programmed for implementation in the next five years.

The TIP helps both the transportation community and the general public track the use of local, state, and federal transportation funds. The TIP also helps MPO members, other transportation implementers, and planning organizations establish a transportation program that implements the goals of ON TO 2050.

The TIP is updated and amended regularly through the CMAP Transportation Committee. Amendments are posted with the committee materials for public comment one week before committee consideration. Major project changes with the potential to affect the region's air quality undergo a conformity analysis, and are approved by the MPO Policy Committee.

Q&A session: What does it mean for a project to be included in the CMAP TIP?

CMAP staff is frequently asked by local governments and project implementers that are seeking grants or responding to funding opportunities what exactly it means for a project to be included in the CMAP TIP.  On Tuesday, April 13, 2021 CMAP hosted a virtual Q&A session to answer this and other frequently asked questions about the TIP.  View the video recording of the event.

For more information about the TIP and individual projects, see these related pages:

TIP Data includes the online TIP database, interactive mapping tools and data summaries. 

TIP Documentation includes the full text of the TIP, Obligation Reports, and state and federal approval documentation.

TIP Programmer Resources includes forms, instructions, and other resources for programming and implementing agencies

TIP Schedules and Approvals includes the current TIP Schedule and Approvals. Documentation of past TIP program approvals is found in the TIP Archives.

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Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is northeastern Illinois' agenda of surface transportation projects. The TIP lists all federally funded projects and regionally significant, non-federally funded projects programmed for implementation in the next five years.

The TIP helps both the transportation community and the general public track the use of local, state, and federal transportation funds. The TIP also helps MPO members, other transportation implementers, and planning organizations establish a transportation program that implements the goals of ON TO 2050.

The TIP is updated and amended regularly through the CMAP Transportation Committee. Amendments are posted with the committee materials for public comment one week before committee consideration. Major project changes with the potential to affect the region's air quality undergo a conformity analysis, and are approved by the MPO Policy Committee.

Q&A session: What does it mean for a project to be included in the CMAP TIP?

CMAP staff is frequently asked by local governments and project implementers that are seeking grants or responding to funding opportunities what exactly it means for a project to be included in the CMAP TIP.  On Tuesday, April 13, 2021 CMAP hosted a virtual Q&A session to answer this and other frequently asked questions about the TIP.  View the video recording of the event.

For more information about the TIP and individual projects, see these related pages:

TIP Data includes the online TIP database, interactive mapping tools and data summaries. 

TIP Documentation includes the full text of the TIP, Obligation Reports, and state and federal approval documentation.

TIP Programmer Resources includes forms, instructions, and other resources for programming and implementing agencies

TIP Schedules and Approvals includes the current TIP Schedule and Approvals. Documentation of past TIP program approvals is found in the TIP Archives.

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